We don’t get to go on a lot of outings or vacations, so we try and make the most of our family time while staying close to home. The following are five ways we spend time together, without spending a ton of money:

1) The park – Possibly the cheapest place you can take your children and not spend a dime. We usually take kites to fly or just take advantage of the play-sets. We also like to take our dog Mystique, who loves chasing after the boys.

2) Movie night at home – Just rent a $1 movie from Redbox, pop some popcorn and there you have it, movie time without the high cost of going out to the movies. We also have a drive-in close – it shows 3 movies, so that saves money as well and the kids love being outside.

3) Family Game night – A good old fashioned board game can bring the entire family together and who doesn’t love a nice long game of Monopoly.

4) Utilize the Yard – We often go outside and take advantage of our large yard, whether it’s a family cookout or a friendly game of soccer, nothing beats spending time together while in your very own backyard.

5) Taking small day trips – We like to visit area historical places, the Zoo and even the local pet shop just to get out of the house as a family and enjoy new things.

What do you do to spend time together as a family? I’d love to hear more!

Disclosure: “I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and LEGO blogging program, making me eligible to get a prize pack. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”