Women’s Bean Project: Dog Treat Gift Box – $35

The Dog Treat Gift Box from Women’s Bean Project is all-natural, vegan, and gluten/corn/soy-free and is sure to delight your furry friend while creating a meaningful impact on the lives of women with barriers to the workforce. Made with only six simple ingredients, each box contains a toy and three flavors dogs will love: banana & toasted coconut; peanut butter & molasses; apple & toasted almond. 

These gift boxes come with double the social impact, too! Women’s Bean partners with Wagster, another social enterprise that helps homeless and low-income individuals gain employment skills for a stable future, to make their treats. Participants of the program receive full-time pay as they develop job readiness skills, discover their talents, and strengthen their confidence.

With these stepping stones toward success, our graduates are able to support themselves and their families, serving as role models for future generations. Click here to read the stories of the women we serve: https://www.womensbeanproject.com/stories/


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