Looks like I will need to purchase glasses (with non existent money). I have a pair that are rigged – they were my Mom’s and the actual lenses fell out of her old frames so I all but glued them to another frame, yeah, I know, but what can you do when you are financially challenged??

They are also bifocals – I don’t need that part, I need to see the TV and apparently, now I need to use them to not strain my eyeballs from sitting in front of this screen all day. My eyes actually hurt and then they sort of shake like they are having issues focusing and wearing the glasses makes them feel so much better, so I am self-diagnosing as them being strained.

If I had the money, I would totally buy these:

Aren’t they funky? I love the retro look and of course the animal print but for $101 I’ll have to pass and probably have to continue wearing my jacked up homemade glasses 🙁